Bass Root Farm Mission - We aim to nourish our local community by producing nutrient dense food while striving to be good stewards of the land using sustainable and regenerative farming methods. We want our farm to be a site for learning, sharing, and cultivating wellness, an ideal place that provides a rich quality of life for all living things.
Notes from the Farm, Issue 15
April 2023
Farm Update. It’s hard to believe that the farmers market season is set to begin in just a week! Since early March, we’ve been stocking up on supplies, seeding trays in the nursery, prepping our tunnels for spring crops, transplanting starts, and laying the groundwork for the 2023 growing season. This will be our third year in production and we are excited and hopeful that it will be our best year yet. Thanks to all our customers - past, present, and future - for supporting us so that we can provide you with some of the best local produce in our area.

One of the new additions to our farm this year is a 12’ x 30’ greenhouse that I constructed. Now we do not need to harden off plants on tables in front of the barn! To help with airflow and temperature control, I added roll up sides. We have been amazed at how this structure has improved the overall health and growth rates of our plants.

Since we start all our crops with organic seed, the nursery in our barn is at capacity this time of year. If you enjoyed the tomatoes and peppers we had last year, well, we have decided to DOUBLE production this year. If you’re looking for a good slicer or heirloom tomato, we’ll have it. How about a paste tomato for sauce, cherry tomato, hot, bell, or sweet pepper? We have you covered.
New Team Members. With more crops comes more labor. Fortunately, we have three new team members joining us part-time this summer. Maddie, Cami, and Christiana are students in the Dietetics Program at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. All three are studying to become registered dieticians. They are interested in learning more about local food systems, how food is grown and distributed throughout a community. In addition to helping us with many of the aspects of running the farm, they will have an opportunity to share their growing expertise in nutrition with our customers.

Trinity Health CSA. As part of our mission to provide nutrient-dense food to the larger community, we are partnering with Trinity Health in Pontiac (formerly St. Joe’s Oakland) to provide produce for their hospital CSA. Approximately half of the membership does not have access to nutritious local food and receives CSA shares at no cost. This is our second year participating in the program.

Certified Naturally Grown. We have also been approved as a “Certified Naturally Grown” produce farm again this year. Like the USDA Organic program, we are committed to growing food naturally, without the use of synthetic chemicals or artificial hormones. We believe this improves the quality of both the environment and the produce. To learn more about CNG, please visit
CSA. We are excited to kick off the start of our CSA on Thursday, May 4th. If you are interested in learning more about our CSA program and how to receive a weekly selection of fresh produce, please visit our website. We still have openings for the Bandstand Share.
Holly Farmers Market Begins Sunday, May 7th. We will be returning to the Holly Farmers Market, held in Crapo Park from 10:00-2:00 on Sundays. Consider making your weekly grocery run at the market and support your local farmers and artisans. Buying local helps to keep your dollars in the community! Offerings in May: Arugula, beets, carrots, mesclun mix, onions, snap peas, radish, spinach, turnips, herbs, and free range eggs.
As I was putting away the tools for the day, a Tufted Titmouse flew into the inside window of the barn. I found it stunned and sitting on the floor, so I gently picked it up and talked to it until it could get its wits and energy back. It was a remarkable reminder of the world we share with other beings and our need to be more sensitive to their presence. I hope this little bird will frequent our garden and snack on insects and weed seeds!
Keep in Touch! Thanks for reading this newsletter. If you would like to keep up with us on a more frequent basis, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@bassrootfarm).
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