Bass Root Farm Mission - We aim to nourish our local community by producing nutrient dense food while striving to be good stewards of the land using sustainable and regenerative farming methods. We want our farm to be a site for learning, sharing, and cultivating wellness, an ideal place that provides a rich quality of life for all living things.
Notes from the Farm, Issue 11
October 2022
Food is not just fuel. Food is about family, food is about community, food is about identity. And we nourish all those things when we eat well.

- Michael Pollan
The End of Market Season. As we approach our final Holly Farmers Market on October 16th, we extend our appreciation to all of you who made our growing season a great success. Whether you are a weekly or an occasional customer, your support has allowed us to innovate our farming practices, expand our production, and deepen our relationship with the land. We value our relationships with you and hope to continue building on them for years to come. See you on Sunday!
CSA 2023. Would you like a weekly share of fresh vegetables with an option to add farm fresh eggs? Do you want to purchase more of your food from a local farm? Consider joining our CSA! We will be accepting CSA subscriptions for 2023 early next year. If you are interested in this opportunity and wish to be on our CSA email list, please let us know by emailing us at
New High Tunnel. In August, Nifty Hoops LLC of Ann Arbor installed a 96’ x 30’ high tunnel in our front pasture, which doubled our covered growing space beyond our two caterpillar tunnels. We were amazed with the crew of five and how they were able to build this impressive structure in a single day! The tunnel has large louvres at the top of both end-walls and roll up sides, making it easier to ventilate throughout the warm growing seasons. We will be growing a variety of crops in this new hoop house and will be able to extend the growing seasons in fall and spring.
Helping and Canning on the Homestead. Sarah was born and raised in Michigan, and her parents (John and Lynn) live about an hour’s drive away from the farm (dependent upon how orange barrel season is going.) They are a behind the scenes powerhouse keeping our family and farm running smoothly, helping almost weekly with everything from mowing, various farm projects, and log splitting to laundry, cooking, kid shuttling and house/farm sitting. It takes a village, and we are beyond lucky to have them nearby.

For over 46 years, Mom and Dad have been making and canning homemade relish for the family to enjoy. For the past three years, Bass Root Farm has been the source of the fresh ingredients – green tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, peppers. The recipe was passed down from Dad’s mother, Josephine, who emigrated from Poland as a young girl. We are excited to be part of this important family tradition. Though we are slightly biased, we think the Bass Root Farm veggies make the most recent batches of relish the best ever.
What’s in Season? We are currently harvesting the following vegetables: Carrots, celery, eggplant, garlic, kale, green onion, lettuce, hot peppers, bell peppers, sweet peppers, tomatoes, and salad mix.

Honey-Glazed Carrots

Keep in Touch! Thanks for reading this newsletter. If you would like to keep up with us on a more frequent basis, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@bassrootfarm). Have a wonderful rest of 2022!
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